Thank you for completing the risk assessment form.
Based on the answers you gave, you have been assessed to have a HIGH or VERY HIGH risk compared to others with no or few risk factors.
This does not necessarily mean you will develop melanoma in your lifetime, but those in the very high risk group are about 6 times more likely than people without risk factors.
You need to have a skin examination, and your employer will arrange a time for this to be done at your workplace. Please come to the appointment with a phone camera if possible.
Available guidelines recommend individuals at a higher risk of skin cancer undergo clinical skin examinations every 6-12 months, and be encouraged to conduct regular skin self-examinations.
You and/or a loved one should learn how to recognise and document lesions suspicious of melanoma, and educate yourself on how to protect your skin from the sun.
Please download the documents below and read the information for more guidance.
Skin Check Appointments
Because you are at HIGH or VERY HIGH risk, a skin check appointment will be arranged. This is a very important next step, to assess for any suspicious lesions.
The appointment with one of our doctors will last approximately 15 minutes. Please come wearing loose clothing if possible. Underwear will not need to be removed. We will check your skin methodically under a bright light, and examine suspicious lesions under a dermatoscope (hand-held microscope). If you bring your phone-camera, we can mark and take photos of any suspicious lesions.
If no suspicious lesions are found, we will recommend that you have another skin check in 6 to 12 months. If we find worrying lesions, we will talk to you about how they can be tested – you may wish to take the photos to your own doctor to plan a removal of the spot, or we can arrange to do it at Royal Park Medical if you prefer.
If you are uncertain about what you need to do next please contact Royal Park Medical on (03) 8301 5500, or using our contact form or email