BSc(Hons) BMedSci MBBS(Hons) FRACGP
Working Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Dr Vergara is passionate about general practice and the impact it has on the community it serves. He loves the continuity of care and diversity of medicine found in general practice. His clinical interest involves general family medicine, men’s health, sexual health and minor procedures. Edward is able to prescribe PrEP to eligible patients and is a Q fever vaccine provider.
He is committed to medical education as well as GP training/supervision of medical students and GP trainees. He held roles at the Department of General Practice at the University of Melbourne as well as in VMA GP Training, MCCC GP Training, EVGP Training and now RACGP GP training.
He holds a Fellowship in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and is involved in the Victoria Faculty as a Council Member. He is an examiner of GP trainees for the RACGP and is currently the RACGP Victorian State Censor. Edward is a founding partner at the clinic.
Outside of medicine, he has a strong interest in company board governance at a local and national level.